Safety in offices

In our waiting room, safety is increased by mouth masks, alcohol gel, and ventilation. Wearing of mouth masks remains useful when you cough.

In case of symptoms and incapacity to work or to go to school

If you have any complaints, first take a self-test (purchased from the pharmacy). If positive, mandatory isolation in the event of a positive COVID-19 test no longer applies.
However, the characteristics of the virus have not changed and infected persons can be contagious for up to 10 days after diagnosis. Therefore, it remains extremely important to maintain measures in case of symptoms or in case of a positive COVID-19 test:

Stay at home if you have symptoms of illness (e.g. coughing).
wear a mouth mask
avoid contact with vulnerable people
avoid crowded places
Certificates for illness and absence from work or school require a consultation. If you are indispensable at work or school, you can return earlier with a mask and good hand hygiene and provided that you avoid large groups.

After 7 days it is best to take another self test ;  a negative test usually corresponds to the end of your contagiousness.

If still positive, it is best to repeat the test a few days in a row. If you have negative self- tests, you can resume social contact, including work and school, without special measures, although caution is still recommended for a few days.

Vaccination against Covid

End of  2023 and beginning of 2024, vaccinations against Covid will be given in some pharmacies and at the GP.

In our offices, we do this on Tuesday- Wednesday- and Thursdays   10-16h (till 11/11/2023; after that only on wednesdays  10- 16h ). You can order a dose by making an appointment with the nurse. As the type of appointment: select "covid vaccine". This is only possible if you are already registered with us with your E-ID and/or your national register number. 

We - like all general practitioners - can only give the vaccine to bedridden people at home after request  in advance.

Get tests

When you have symptoms, please do a self-test (bought in the apotheek).

A laboratory test (PCR) will only be done in case of immunity deficiency problems.

Covid tests can be done in our offices or in a hospital or laboratory. We offer both classic PCR tests and quick tests. In both cases, a sample is taken from the mouth. You will usually receive the result of the classic test by SMS within 8 to 24 hours. Results of quick tests are available during the same consultation. Both tests are fully reimbursed under certain circumstances (e.g. in case of complaints such as cough, long-term contact with a positive person, for hospital admissions, ...) and we can then get paid directly by the health insurance (mutualiteit).

The results are also present in official media in both cases (Sciensano federal service of Belgium, covid passport).

The results of the tests, wherever taken, are always automatically included in official lists and in personal corona certificates.

Traveling: test and vaccines

If you are going abroad, it is necessary to inform yourself about the conditions concerning the Covid19 epidemic. Do you need to be vaccinated, or tested, or both? In september 2023, no requirements exist but this may change anytime. What you need always depends on your destination. It is best to start looking up the necessary information in time, it can change quickly and it is stated that the traveler is responsible for knowing the current situation at his travel destination, not the doctor or the vaccination center. They merely provide the requested tests and vaccines. You will find an overview of measures per country here: or

You can, however, rely on the two basic principles: the digital corona certificate and having yourself tested.

Schedule your appointment in time (24 or 72 hours before your arrival, depending on the country).

The digital corona certificate (corona safe ticket, CST)

iIn some countries, you still have to show a CST and sometimes even submit a recent test in addition.

The CST certificate shows that you have sufficient antibodies in one of these three cases:

OR you have been fully vaccinated (or partially vaccinated (already a week), but most European countries do not accept this as a valid certificate)
OR you can submit a negative PCR test
OR you have recently recovered from corona (min. 10 days since positive test)
You can see and download your own certificate via:

- OR the CovidSafeBE app (mobile)

- or
- the central helpdesk covid certification: 078 78 78 50. Pay attention! It is wise to download and print this certificate so that you also have it on paper. It can be sent by regular mail (request via 078 78 78 50, on weekdays between 9 am and 7 pm). Allow a week for this. The GP or the local triage or vaccination center cannot help you with this!

The certificate is valid from 1 July. In some countries this certificate is sufficient, others impose additional requirements. Think not only of your final travel destination but also of the countries through which you travel to reach that destination.

More information?